Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mid Semester

We're halfway through the Fall semester. How's it going for everyone? My second class just began last Monday (it's the 8 week class) so I've become more and more intimate with my computer. I just told my husband that I'd see him around Christmas.
I'm also trying to learn more about blogging. On the advice of Veronica, I purchased the "Google Blogger for Dummies" book. Now I just need to read it. One step at a time, I always say.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Are You Serious?

41 is past mid- life! If you think you are past midlife then I must be ancient! Though a women that will tell you her age, will tell you ANYTHING!!

My name is Veronica and if you can't remember Archie Comics then you probably do not remember Betty or me, though Betty is 5-10 years younger.

The last time I was in college the Rolling Stones "Satisfaction" was big, as was the Beach Boys "Good Vibrations", Frank Sinatra's "Stranger's in the Night" was the slow dance of choice. Bell bottoms and miniskirts were in as was Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots are made for Walking".

The girls went to college for MRS degrees and a great many young men to avoid the draft.

The hippies created their own style of fashion, psychedelic colors, love beads, tie dyed shirts and the peace sign. We ironed our hair to look like Ali McGraw in "Love Story", lava lights and bean bag chairs were the dorm décor of choice. The boys were worried about going to Vietnam and if they would come back or should they go to Canada. We burned our bras and walk in marches. We were sure we would change the world.

I attended an all girl's school and was 'kicked out' of college for leaving campus on a closed weekend. I never told my children the story and as far as they knew I graduated. In fact only my closest friends knew the truth.

Until recently was, self-employed, retained executive recruiter in finance and financial services, mother of three, and grandmother of two; too make a very long story short, lost everything and spent a year volunteering, became the president of CURE,, a prison advocacy group, but generally just moping around.

Decided to go back to school for myself, feeling when I graduate from law school, my present goal, will be 110 years old when I get to the Supreme Court. In the meantime hope I can do some good.